Purchasing Services

Purchasing Services


Welcome To Sacramento City Unified School District Purchasing Services

Purchasing Services is comprised of three Buyers and is overseen by the Purchasing Manager.  Purchasing Services reviews requisitions, purchase orders, and bids for conformance and compliance with public contract code, regulations, District procedures and policies. Contact vendors regarding detailed specifications, shipping and delivery information, quotations and price negotiation. Prepare and facilitate formal bid processes, record bid events and verify vendor compliance. 

Purchasing Services manages and maintains the District’s “Just in Time” e-Commerce programs for Office and Custodial Supplies. Manages and maintains the District’s vendor files, travel accommodations, and copier program.     

5735 47th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95824
District Box # 830
(916) 643-9460
Purchasing Fax: (916) 399-2021
Buyers Fax: (916) 399-2022