Press Releases
SCUSD Announces Additional “Know Your Rights” Presentations
Information from attorneys for immigrant families regarding interactions with ICE
Sacramento, CA - Sacramento City Unified School District’s Board of Education has scheduled a series of “Know Your Rights” presentations to inform community members of their rights during a possible encounter with immigration enforcement, and share more information about SCUSD’s Safe Haven District policies.
SCUSD to Host “Know Your Rights” Presentations
Information from attorneys for immigrant families regarding interactions with ICE
Sacramento, CA - Sacramento City Unified will host the first in a series of presentations to inform immigrant families of their rights regarding immigration enforcement, and share more information about SCUSD’s Safe Haven District policies.
Media Availability and News Conference to Reaffirm Support for Immigrant Families
Sacramento, CA - Since 2017, SCUSD has proudly called itself a Safe Haven School District – a title that reflects our unwavering commitment to the education and well-being of all students no matter their immigration status, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, religion, ability, sex and gender identity, socio-economic status or beliefs.
SCUSD Settles Versher Lawsuit With No Direct Payment to Plaintiff
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District announced a settlement in the lawsuit brought by former employee Dr. Elysse Versher in June 2022. Versher alleged she was subjected to multiple forms of racism, harassment and retaliation during her employment as Assistant Principal at West Campus High School.
SCUSD and SEIU Reach Agreement on a New Contract
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education unanimously approved a new two-year contract with Service Employees International Union, the labor partner representing hundreds of nutrition services workers, bus drivers, school office managers, instructional aides, technology support specialists, and other administrative and support staff.
The contract includes the following changes to compensation and working conditions:
SCUSD Organizes Holiday Drive to Support Unhoused Students and Families
Collecting new blankets, healthy snacks for students, pantry staples, hygiene items, and donations to help families experiencing housing insecurity
Sacramento, CA - Sacramento City Unified School District’s Homeless Education Services requests holiday season donations from the community to support unhoused students and their families. Beginning November 18, 2024, through December 21, 2024, donations can be brought to the Serna Center at 5735 47th Ave. and placed in the large blue bin in the Serna Center lobby.
The following types of items are requested to support our school community families experiencing housing insecurity:
SCUSD to Unveil New Community Services Support Bus to Celebrate International Day of Climate Action
High school students will participate in converting bus from a diesel engine to electric-powered
Where: John F. Kennedy High School, 6715 Gloria
Drive, Sacramento, CA
When: Thursday, October 24, 2024, 10:30 a.m.
Visuals: E.V.E.L.Y.N. mobile resource center bus
tour and video, interviews with program partners.
Sacramento City Unified Unveils Historic Action Plan to Improve Student supports, Student Disciplinary Practices and Minimize Racial Disparities
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) today unveiled a comprehensive action plan for overhauling practices that in the past have resulted in disproportionately high suspension rates for students with disabilities, particularly Black and African-American students with disabilities.
SCUSD Response to Sacramento County Grand Jury Report
Sacramento, CA - As uncomfortably difficult as it is to read, the report issued by the Sacramento County Grand Jury identified accurate shortcomings with regard to SCUSD’s past practices in special education. The notion that we are failing to provide appropriate educational services to our most vulnerable students and those with disabilities is unacceptable to every educator and administrator in Sacramento City Unified. The report is a sobering reminder that our students and families deserve better and we must do better by them.
SCUSD Announces First Day of the 2024-2025 School Year
Date Moved Up to August 19, 2024 as Part of Learning Recovery Plan
Sacramento, CA - This afternoon, the State Board of Education (SBE) approved Sacramento City Unified School District’s request for a waiver of the penalty for not providing the minimum number of instructional days and minutes during the 2021-2022 school year.
Approval of the waiver means we will be adding eight (8) instructional days to the 2024-2025 calendar and moving the first day of school to Monday, August 19, 2024.
Joint Statement from SCUSD and UPE Regarding Compensation
SCUSD and UPE Reach New Contract Agreement
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) and United Professional Educators (UPE) have reached an agreement on contract reopeners for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026.
UPE represents principals, assistant principals, and various instructional and student support certificated professionals whose work is essential to helping ensure our dedicated Sac City Unified teachers have the tools and support necessary to set our students up for success.
SCUSD Hires New Superintendent
Appoints Former Deputy Superintendent Lisa Allen
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education is proud to announce the appointment of Lisa Allen to serve as Superintendent.
The Board voted unanimously to approve a Superintendent contract with Mrs. Allen based on her performance as Interim Superintendent since July 2023.
Rosemont High School Robotics to Host Team from Chinese Taipei
Rosemont and Chinese Taipei Teams Preparing for FIRST Robotics Sacramento Regional
Sacramento, CA - The Rosemont High School Robotics team will host a team from Chinese Taipei on Monday, March 11 and Tuesday, March 12. This opportunity will allow Rosemont students to engage with students from another country and also allow the Chinese Taipei team to work on their robot following their entry in the San Francisco Regional held the previous weekend.
SCUSD to Host Leap Day Hiring Event on Thursday, February 29
Sacramento, CA - Sacramento City Unified School District will host a Leap Day Hiring Event on Thursday, February 29 at the Serna Center.
Joint Statement from SCUSD and SCTA on Two-Year Contract Agreement
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) and the Sacramento City Teachers Association (SCTA) have reached agreement on a two-year contract that runs through June 30, 2025.
Joint Statement from SCUSD and Teamsters Regarding Compensation
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD), Teamsters Union Local 150, and Teamsters Classified Supervisors (TCS) have reached agreements to close out contract reopener negotiations for the completed 2022-2023 school year for each unit.
Joint Statement from SCUSD and UPE Regarding Compensation
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) and United Professional Educators (UPE) have reached an agreement to close out contract reopener negotiations for the completed 2022-2023 school year.
SCUSD Facilities Team Wins 2023 CSBA Golden Bell Award: Equity and Access
Sacramento, CA - On Thursday, November 30, the Sacramento City Unified School District was awarded a 2023 California School Board Association (CSBA) Golden Bell Award in the category of Equity and Access at San Francisco’s Union Square Hilton.
Sac City Unified Hygiene Drive for Unhoused Students and Families
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District is hosting a Hygiene Drive. Now through December 22, we are collecting donations of hygiene items to provide to unhoused students and families in need. Donations will be distributed to our unhoused community in the weeks following Winter Break.
Joint Statement from SCUSD and SEIU Regarding Compensation
Sacramento, CA - The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1021 have reached an agreement to close out contract reopener negotiations for the previous 2022-2023 school year.
This historic agreement demonstrates the significant value that SCUSD places on retaining and recruiting the finest classified staff to support our students, teachers and facilities. It also ensures that SEIU unit members will be elevated to a salary that is more reflective of their immense value to the District.