Student Support

Student Support and Health Services

SSHS logo and divisions: Foster Youth Services, Health Services and Student Support Services

Student Support and Health Services (SSHS) offers a wide range of social, emotional, and health resources to help students thrive.  We promote attendance and a positive school climate by focusing on the whole child, providing critical support services and removing barriers to learning.

Our vision is to serve all students with compassion and care, ensuring families have equitable access to systems of support that promote hope, resilience, empowerment, physical & mental wellness, and educational success.

Community Schools at SCUSD


What Are Community Schools? 

Community schools are the future of public education. Schools partner with parents, guardians and organizations to create the conditions students need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. 

Community members are engaged to advise how community school grant funding should be invested to meet the unique needs of students and their families. Each designated community school site has an embedded staff member whose job is to connect with stakeholders and elevate their voices to the district Community School Specialist to inform how funds will be spent. 

Community Schools at SCUSD

Community Schools Improve:

Family participation, Student learning, and Inclusion and safety

Community pride, Strong relationships, and Resource access

We Are Currently Implementing The Community School Model At 18 SCUSD Schools: ​

Mental Health and Crisis Resources


Do You Or Someone You Know Need Help? 

You are not alone. Call, text or scan the resources below. 

Save a Life

Is a student sick or has lost consciousness? Get help immediately from school staff. Rescue efforts are available throughout the school (including Narcan).

Foster Youth Services


Foster Youth Services (FYS) – a group of school professionals with expertise in the both educational and social service systems – joined the SSHS family in 2018.  The FYS program is designed to serve the unique educational, social and emotional needs of children in foster care by building assets that make them resilient and ultimately successful.  FYS began operating in 1973 in SCUSD.  Our program has successfully served thousands of foster youth, markedly improving their school performance and increasing their chances for success later in life.

Health Services
Healthy Students Learn Better


We recognize the connection between health and academic achievement, and the importance of using evidence-based policies and practices to promote student health and wellness. Health Services staff provide health-related interventions, assessments, screenings, education, direct care and referrals. We are health advocates for children by assisting families and communities to manage health challenges and remove barriers to ensure students have access to learning. 

LGBTQ Support Services
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer


SCUSD’s LGBTQ+ Support Services Program aims to provide school sites the resources and district support to meet the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth and families. Through advocacy, community building, and education, the support services program seeks to create an environment for all students to feel safe and affirmed.

Visit the LGBTQ Support Services linktree.


Know Your Rights

According to State laws, our Board of Education policy and March 2023 Trans Day of Visibility Resolution, the following protections are in place for SCUSD staff and students:

  • Students and staff shall be referred to by their affirmed name, gender and pronouns. 
  • Students have the right to access the gender segregated facilities that align with their gender identity (i.e. restrooms, locker rooms)
  • Students have the right to freely access gender-neutral facilities, such as single stall restrooms. Each single-stall restroom is to be clearly labeled as “gender neutral,” “all gender,” etc. 
  • On overnight field trips, students have the right to access the sleeping quarters that align with their gender identity.
  • Students have the right to participate in sports consistent with their gender identity.
  • Students and staff have the right to use their affirmed name, gender and pronouns in yearbooks and other non-legal school documents (e.g., school ID, class roster, diplomas and other certificates).
  • Students and staff may follow the dress code rules of the gender with which they identify.

Every school site has a designated LGBTQ liaison if you need additional support. These liaisons are SCUSD staff members who have received training in supporting our LGBTQ students and staff. If your school has a Support Center, Support Center staff serve as your LGBTQ liaison. You can look up whether your school has a Support Center and find contact information for your liaison here. If your school does not have a Support Center, your LGBTQ liaison is your Principal. You may also reach out to the district-wide LGBTQ+ Support Services program, housed at the Connect Center here.


Services include mentorship, SCUSD staff consultation, LGBTQ+ SafeZone Trainings, school-based events, Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club support, and information/referral.  Click here to connect!


SCUSD staff and students are encouraged to participate in an LGBTQ+ SafeZone Training to learn more about the queer and transgender community, laws and policies, and how to create an affirming environment.  Request a Safe Zone training.

Collaboration & Advocacy

The LGBTQ+ Task Force offers a space each month for school district staff, community partner organizations, and students to come together to share resources and collaborate in ways to ensure student wellbeing and safety for our queer and transgender youth.  Join our mailing list and receive program updates!

Crisis Lines & Resources

Crisis Resources

Local Resources

  • Gender Health Center: Gender Health Center is focused on providing an accessible therapy and counseling program for the gender variant community. They are interested in developing a collaboration with other agencies that are committed to addressing the full spectrum of issues specific to the transgender community in a positive approach for getting people to understand that there is a better life when gender identity issues are addressed in a safe and supportive environment. 
    (916) 455-2391
    Instagram: @genderhealthsac
  • Lavender Library: The Lavender Library is an all-volunteer-run lending library, archive, and community space with LGBTQ+ books, films and more. They are a hub of learning and connection for Sacramento’s LGBTQ+ community.
    (916) 492-0558
    Instagram: @sacllace
  • Legal Services of Northern California: Since 1956, Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC) has provided free quality legal services that empower marginalized and underserved communities to challenge inequities and discriminatory practices
    (916) 551-2150
    Instagram: @lsnorcal
  • Sacramento LGBT Community Center: The Sacramento LGBT Community Center works to create a region where LGBTQ+ people thrive.  They support the health and wellness of the most marginalized, advocate for equality and justice, and work to build a culturally rich LGBTQ+ community. 
    (916) 442-0185
    Instagram: @saclgbtcenter
  • Trans Families Sacramento/PFLAG Sacramento (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays): PFLAG promotes the health and well‐being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, their families and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill‐informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights. 
    (916) 978‐0410
    Instagram: @pflag
  • WEAVE: WEAVE is the primary provider of crisis intervention services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Sacramento County. WEAVE’s mission is to promote safe and healthy relationships and support survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and sex trafficking. WEAVE’s vision is a community free of violence and abuse.
    (916) 448-2321
    Instagram: @weaveinc

National Resources

  • The Trevor Project: The Trevor Project operates the only accredited, nationwide, around the clock crisis and suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ+ youth. (866) 488-7386 (Available 24/7). The Trevor Project aims to end suicide among LGBTQ+ young people by offering support through crisis services, peer support, research, public education and advocacy. 
    (866) 488-7386
    Instagram: @trevorproject
  • GLSEN (The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network): GLSEN is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.
    Instagram: @glsen
  • National Center for Transgender Equality: The National Center for Transgender Equality is the nation’s leading social justice advocacy organization winning life-saving change for transgender people.
  • Transgender Law Center: Transgender Law Center changes law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.
    Instagram: @translawcenter
  • Gender Spectrum: Gender Spectrum’s mission is to create a gender-inclusive world for all children and youth.
    Instagram: @gender_spectrum
  • Family Acceptance Project: The Family Acceptance Project focuses on reducing risk and promoting well-being among LGBTQ children and youth by increasing family support. FAP is a research, education and intervention initiative, affiliated with San Francisco State University.
  • Trans Student Educational Resources: Trans Student Educational Resources is a youth-led organization dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans and gender nonconforming students through advocacy and empowerment.
  • Brown Boi Project: The Brown Boi Project is a community of people working across race and gender to eradicate sexism, homophobia and transphobia and create healthy frameworks of masculinity and change.
    Instagram: @brownboifam
  • GSA Network: GSA Network is a next-generation LGBTQ+ racial and gender justice organization that empowers and trains queer, trans and allied youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and healthier communities.
    Instagram: @gsanetwork

Support for Pregnant & Parenting Students


Student Support & Health Services (SSHS)’ Pregnant and Parenting Students  program is focused on supporting the well-being of SCUSD adolescent parents and their babies.  Our goal is to maintain students’ academic success and support life skills to enter the world, college or career ready.

Once a student is identified as pregnant or parenting, a referral form is  sent to the program Coordinator. The Coordinator will meet with the student to complete a collaborative assessment and provide them a welcome packet.  The packet contains resources for health care, birth control, lactation rights and their student rights and protection under Title IX.

Title IX  protects  students who are pregnant, parenting or who have been pregnant from being excluded from or participating in any part of an educational program. SSHS will partner with community agencies to refer students for comprehensive services and support when needed.  With strategic partnerships, SSHS’ goal is to improve the knowledge and skills of adolescent parents to be advocates in their own education, successful parents and have healthy transitions into adulthood.

Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)


Our goal is to equip all SCUSD students - with an intentional focus on grades 6th through 12th graders – with a better understanding of the danger of tobacco use and the impact on themselves and the community.

Through our collaboration with our partners, SCUSD students have the opportunity to engage in fun and exciting activities both on their sites and within their communities:

Student Support Centers


SSHS operates Student Support Centers at schools throughout the district to provide support to students who are struggling socially, emotionally, behaviorally and/or academically. At each center, a coordinator works closely with school staff to identify students in need of assistance. Once identified, social workers, family advocates, interns, and community partners work directly with students and parents to address issues that are of concern to them, drawing on other resources for additional support.