Physical Education Docs & Resources
Physical Education Documents
Physical Education & Fitness Testing Requirements
SCUSD supports the alignment of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and instructional resources to the state-adopted model content standards. We Believe physical education is just as important as reading, writing and arithmetic. Also, the importance of every student achieving grade-level and course-level standards in preparation for the next level is emphasized.
Elementary School: 200 minutes every 10 days
Middle School: 400 minutes every 10 days
(no waivers accepted)
High School: 400 minutes every 10 days
CA Physical Education Framework
A great resource is the CA Physical Education Framework! The framework gives specific examples for implementing and assessing the standards and provide guidance for understanding the standards.
The Physical Educator’s Resource
PhysEd Source is an online directory that aims to provide useful web links and other helpful resources for professionals in the field of physical education.
Spare the Air
Sign up today and start receiving an email with the daily air quality forecast. Air Alert is an easy way to stay aware of air pollution levels all year long. Pay attention to air pollution levels in the afternoon and early evening when our highest readings are typically recorded during the summer. Although days are getting shorter, ozone pollution still lurks in our air.
Active Living Research
Active Living Research is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Our primary goal is to support and share research on environmental and policy strategies that can promote daily physical activity for children and families across the United States. We place special emphasis on research related to children of color and lower-income children who are at highest risk for obesity.
Making the Most of Physical Education
Designed for school administrators, board members, teachers, parents, and others interested in quality physical education. Abbreviated research findings inform viewers.
PE Central
Tons of PE ideas!
Welcome to the site for health & physical education teachers, parents and students. Our goal is to provide the latest information about developmentally appropriate physical education programs for children. To motivate children, we offer fun kids fitness programs such as Log It and the PEC Challenge. We reach about 150,000 unique visitors per month and we have over 2000 published lesson ideas, best practices and assessment ideas. Our site is guided by 150 Managing Editors and Advisory Board Members who have over 2300 years K-12 physical education teaching experience.
Video tutorials to help you stay fit
Watch SCUSD’s Physical Education Coordinator Heather Deckard and students across our district on our weekly Fit for Life exercise series.
Matt Bassett’s Physical Education Site
Matt’s site has excellent resources for all grades to meet the CA Physical Education Standards.
The California Endowment
Health Happens in Schools
The California Endowment’s mission is to expand access to affordable, quality health care for underserved individuals and communities, and to promote fundamental improvements in the health status of all Californians.
The California Endowment – Building Healthy Communities Division is working with SCUSD to create systemic change in Physical Education within the Sacramento City Unified Schools.
California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Your Profession is what YOU make it!
The California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), founded in 1930, is a non-profit, voluntary membership corporation formed exclusively to promote the organizing and progress of school, community and statewide programs of health, physical education, recreation and dance which will embody such opportunities and which will insure the inclusion of such programs within the most appropriate philosophical and social context of life in California.
CAHPERD Mission Statement
The mission of the California Association for Health, Physical
Alliance for Healthier Generation
Healthy Schools Program
Schools are powerful places to shape the health, education and well-being of our children. That is why the Alliance’s Healthy Schools Program supports more than 13,000 schools across the U.S. in their efforts to create environments where physical activity and healthy eating are accessible and encouraged.
The Alliance provides expert advice and resources for school professionals, teachers and students in addition to information specifically for parents. Parents serve as key role models in the home and they can also help ensure that health is a priority at their child’s school.