Charter Annual Update

Charter Schools Annual Report



Charter school governing boards and leadership are the primary leaders in the oversight of their school(s). They are responsible for providing high-quality, equitable academic programs to all enrolled students, providing fiscal oversight for their school(s), and ensuring compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. District authorizers act as an additional layer of oversight for charter schools within their purview to verify that all programs are high quality and accessible for all students. Strong student-centered charter oversight supports equal access to high-quality educational options in the community.   Oversight is organized around a set of key questions.

  • Is the charter school operating and governed effectively?
  • Is the charter school’s education program a success?
  • Is the charter school financially viable?
  • Is the charter school serving the public equitably?

The reports below are an overview of materials compiled in a given school year based on the review of publicly available data, school-provided local data, fiscal documents, website, governing board meetings, site visits, and other documents.  The authorizer does not certify or otherwise guarantee the work of the school.  The detailed materials supporting this work are available at the included links.