Goal 3 is About Creating the Same Sense of Being Welcomed and Safe for All Students and Families Within the District.
LCAP Goals


All students and families will feel safe and connected in their school community as measured by the annual LCAP School Climate and Culture survey and behavior data as a result of engaging all staff in professional learning on Anti-Bias/Anti-Racist/Trauma-Informed principles and practices.

The district and its education partners understand that the best learning happens when all students and families will feel safe and connected in their school community. To improve our district’s culture and climate, Goal 3 is strategically designed to leverage professional learning on Anti-Bias/Anti-Racist/Trauma-Informed principles and practices to decrease the incidents that arise and result in students being suspended and removed from their learning environments.
More than 6 (6.1 percent) of every 100 students were excluded from their education via suspension, resulting in an Orange rating. Below are the respective suspension rates for each of our historically underserved groups:

  • African American: 15.3
  • American Indian: 9.0
  • English Learner: 4.3
  • Students With Disabilities: 9.3
  • Foster Youth: 17.8
  • Homeless Youth: 13.4
  • Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: 7.4
Actions Description
3.1 STUDENT SUPPORT AND HEALTH SERVICES – Foster Youth Services (FYS) staff provide an array of supports for Foster Youth and families. Improve student perception regarding their belongingness and connectedness to their school community. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
3.2 STUDENT SUPPORT AND HEALTH SERVICES – Provide services that address a wide range of needs: social emotional, health, mental health, behavioral, attendance, and basic. Improve students’ perception regarding their belongingness and connectedness to their school community. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): American Indian Education Program Parent Committee, Community Advisory Committee.
3.3 STUDENT SUPPORT AND HEALTH SERVICES – Continue to provide direct support for Homeless Youth and families in compliance with state and federal requirements. Continue to develop and refine procedures and policies for referral of students and families to be identified as Homeless, including data collection via the refined implementation of a universal housing survey administered twice annually. Families that indicate housing instability will be identified and offered supportive services for homelessness. Data collection and analysis enables Homeless Services staff to provide better direct support for Homeless Youth and families in compliance with state and federal requirements. On-Track Graduation status for students is one of the intended impacted areas of this action. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
3.4 STUDENT SUPPORT AND HEALTH SERVICES – Provide nursing services as a key component of the district’s wrap-around health services. Reduce students’ rates of chronic absenteeism and increase students’ rates of attendance. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action.
3.5 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES – Provide expanded learning programs at 70 school sites, including before school, after school, summer, and intersession learning. At district high schools, integrated services implemented in collaboration with District staff, community partners and external providers also include including home visits, outreach, referral to resources, enrichments (music, arts, dance), small group instruction, tutoring, homework help, structured games and sports, and credit recovery/elective courses. Student Connectedness Perception is one of the intended impacted areas of this action. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): American Indian Education Program Parent Committee, Community Advisory Committee.
3.6 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES - Address the unique cultural, language, and educationally-related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students via the American Indian Educational Program by providing tutoring, reading groups and classroom visits, cultural programs and events, college prep programs, scholarship writing, student support and advocacy, and milestone celebrations. Family Connectedness Perception is one of the intended impacted areas of this action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee.
3.7 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES – Provide leadership academy services to intentionally combat the school-to-prison-pipeline for underserved low-income students of color by creating supportive and productive learning environments, empowering students through wraparound services that promote Social Emotional Learning, culturally relevant and responsive leadership development, meaningful mentorship, and academic support that engages students through their own means of learning. Student Connectedness Perception is one of the intended impacted areas of this action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
3.8 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES – Provide student advisory services that promote student voice and problem-solving, and introduce students to the concepts of policy advocacy, applied social research, democratic governing, and grassroots organizing. Student Advisory Council delegates work to develop policy initiatives, meet with district staff and committees, and work to ensure that all student voices are represented. Student Connectedness Perception is one of the intended impacted areas of this action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, Student Advisory Council.
3.9 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES – Continue implementation of State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) program for students initiated in 2021-22, including refinement of rubrics, expansion of entry points for students, creation of additional opportunities for engagement in K-12 curriculum, and expansion of the number and range of partnerships that provide students opportunity for community engagement. Students interview participants, front line staff and management of expanded learning programs to assess needs in the area of continuous quality improvement. Once students assess the needs, they plan and propose program changes/improvements to YDSS management. Student Connectedness Perception is one of the intended impacted areas of this action.
3.10 SUMMER SCHOOL - Provide summer programming to address learning loss to give students opportunities to reconnect in their learning environments in a way that lead
to healing and accelerated classroom learning and academic success. In addition to the morning academic session, there is a strong emphasis on enrichment activities to promote connectedness. Activities include art,
dance, music, and STEM programming held in the afternoon hours. At high schools, credit recovery and Bridge programming for incoming 9th graders are the prioritized. Summer programs are open for all students, however, English Learners, students from low socio-economic groups, Foster youth and unhoused students are prioritized in the program. Student Connectedness Perception is one of the intended impacted areas of this
action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee, American Indian Education Program Parent Committee.
3.11 ENROLLMENT CENTER - Provide centralized enrollment services as a gateway for families and students transitioning into the district or between school sites. In addition to enrollment support, available services include translation services, family services and referrals to support families in transition (e.g. students with disabilities, homeless youth, foster youth, and student immunizations).
Facilitate open enrollment and enrollment in high-school specialty programs. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent
Advisory Committee, Black African American Advisory Board.
3.12 ATTENDANCE - Support school sites in focused efforts to reduce chronic absenteeism, including promoting best practices (e.g. regular meeting of attendance teams, data-based goal setting, development of attendance-specific MTSS structures, student case management, and participation in a monthly peer network). Providing expanded supports to include capacity building for staff, tiered re-engagement and absence support, engaging youth voice to promote positive engagement and attendance, implementation of a restorative School Attendance Review Board (SARB) process, and summer community outreach events. Chronic Absenteeism is one of the intended impacted areas of this action. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee, Community Advisory Committee.
3.13 ATTENDANCE - Provide family outreach to partner with parents/caregivers in increasing student engagement and reducing chronic absenteeism, including the delivery of personalized messages to families based on an analysis of individual student attendance data. Communications help families take action to support attendance and participate in student support. Reduce students’ rates of chronic absenteeism. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
3.14 STATE AND FEDERAL - Provide a range of capacity-building and constituent service opportunities to families and guardians. Improve families’ perception regarding their
belongingness and connectedness to their school community. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee.
3.15 STATE AND FEDERAL - Provide parent and teacher home visits. Student Suspension Rate, Chronic Absenteeism, Student Connectedness Perception, and Family Connectedness Perception are some of the intended impacted areas of this action. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
3.16 STUDENT PLACEMENT AND HEARING OFFICE - Develop and deliver training to school sites, providing direct response and intervention for bullying incidents, and collaborating with constituent services and the Student Hearing and Placement Department. Bullying Prevention staff works closely with Constituent Services and Student
Support and Health Services to align with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) efforts. Suspension, Chronic Absenteeism, and Student Safety Perception are some of the intended impacted areas of this action. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action.
3.17 SPECIAL EDUCATION - Provide students with disabilities access to trained mental health professionals (School Social Workers) that can assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns, positive behavioral support, academic and classroom support, and consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators. The student Suspension Rate is one of the intended
impacted areas of this action. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee, American Indian Education Program Parent Committee.
3.18 SAFETY - Building upon past learnings from Phase I for the effort to re-image school safety by using data to identify safety-based behavior concerns, continue providing safety evidence-based services that positively impact students, staff, and school campus safety and culture. Such services include conflict mediation and partnering with agencies to identify and address causation
factors. Momentum from Phase II is moving the district quickly to Phase III, which includes a process to reduce suspensions at the middle and high school levels and address other equity concerns that contribute to the “school to prison pipeline” disproportionately impacting black and brown students. 
3.19 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS – Maintain a competitive salary and benefits package for certificated staff. Improve teacher recruitment and retention.
3.20 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS – Provide family and community volunteers access to required fingerprinting services at no cost or reduced cost to ensure that all community members are able to equitably and actively support student success. Family Connectedness Perception is one of the intended impacted areas of this action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP
Parent Advisory Committee.
3.21 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS - School Site Council-determined, SPSA-based actions to improve school culture and climate. Reduce students’ rates of chronic absenteeism, increase students’ rates of attendance, and reduce the percent of students suspended. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
3.22 FACILITIES SUPPORT SERVICES - Maintain safe and clean facilities in good repair. Includes custodial,
maintenance, and other facilities support staff as well as materials and services associated with the maintenance of school sites and other district facilities. The percent of sites with a good facility rating is one of the intended impacted areas of this action.
3.23 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION - Design and coordinate a comprehensive, multi-year Professional Learning Plan for classified, certificated and management staff anchored in the district’s commitment High Quality Instruction and focused on the District’s Culture & Climate Priorities: Anti-Bias, Anti-Racist, Trauma-Informed
Principles & Practices. Professional learning for all staff includes building internal training capability; structured, ongoing professional learning sessions; job-embedded coaching; and collaborative learning and improvement opportunities. District and Site Leadership Teams will
analyze summative and progress monitoring Culture & Climate data to inform decision making and resource allocation. Staff Safety Perception is one of the intended impacted areas of this action. Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Rate Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): Black African American Advisory Board.
3.24 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION - Increase arts K-8 staffing in dance, music, theater and visual arts, and high
school CTE courses, including developing arts leads at all district schools. Utilize the expertise of current experienced, credentialed teachers to support the skill set of newer teachers through mentoring and intentional
collaborative sharing. Provide Adequate Facilities, Equipment, Materials/Supplies for visual and performing arts instruction. Enhance Climate and Culture Through Community Partnerships, Collaborations, and Parent and Family Engagement by developing and expanding partnerships with professional and community organizations and inviting and engaging parents and families to actively participate in school site and district arts programs. Develop strategies and platforms to increase and enhance communication within the district about arts programs and events and with parents/guardians and families about available arts opportunities throughout the district. Student Suspension Rate, Chronic Absenteeism, Student Connectedness Perception, and Family Connectedness Perception are some of the intended impacted areas of this action. The
activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): Black African American
Advisory Board, American Indian Education Program Parent Committee.
3.25 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION - Provide equitable and consistent access to arts opportunities for all
students during the school day and through Expanded Learning. Develop  standards-based curriculum, methodology, and instruction in music, visual arts, dance, theater arts, and media arts (collectively known as VAPA) in TK-12, and develop an integrated arts curriculum in TK-6. Provide arts teachers with high-quality and relevant professional learning opportunities, time for cross-district collaboration, incentives for advancement, and support for teachers in accessing professional conferences and workshops in their field. Student Suspension Rate, Chronic Absenteeism, and Student Connectedness Perception are some of the intended impacted areas of this action. The activities in this action are consistent with
recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): American Indian Education Program Parent Committee.