Goal 2 is About Improving Academic Outcomes as Students Move Through the District.
LCAP Goals


At least 80% of all students in grades 4-8 will demonstrate growth towards mastering standards in English Language Arts (Arts) and Mathematics as demonstrated by the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) Distance From Met (DFM) by 2026-27.

To facilitate the achievement of the district’s graduation and college/career preparedness outcomes, Goal 2 is designed to improve the academic performance outcomes of historically underserved students in the district as they move from grade to grade and from school to school. Improvement in student performance in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math is a critical focus of this goal, as is the growth of students on the California School Dashboard’s academic indicators for these subjects.

A review of the 2022-23 Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) ELA results revealed that 51.1% of students with matched scores improved their Distance From Met (DFM) from 2021-22 to 2022-23. Across all students, the ELA Distance From Met was -34.8. Below are the respective SBAC ELA DFM for each of our historically underserved groups:

  • African American: -91.9
  • American Indian: -76.1
  • English Learner: -84.2
  • Students With Disabilities: -111.8
  • Foster Youth: -119.6
  • Homeless Youth: -122.3
  • Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: -61.0

A review of the 2022-23 SBAC Math results revealed that 47.1% of students with matched scores improved their DFM from 2021-22 to 2022-23. Across all students, the Math DFM was -67.3. Below are the respective SBAC Math DFM for each of our historically underserved groups:

  • African American: -132.0
  • American Indian: -103.5
  • English Learner: -106.5
  • Students With Disabilities: -141.4
  • Foster Youth: -138.9
  • Homeless Youth: -162.6
  • Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: -93.0
Actions Description
2.1 EARLY LEARNING AND CARE – Provide access to early childhood education for eligible students and families to build a strong foundation for academic success, social emotional development, early literacy skills, and school readiness. The operation of 42 classrooms across the district provides approximately 1,209 spaces available. Universal PreKindergarten Programs (UPK) offer a combination of state-funded and Head Start-funded programs, ranging from Infant/Toddler to School-Age. Program eligibility is income-based and the location of programs are prioritized to Title 1-designated sites. Increase the percent of TK/K ELA Grades of 3 or Higher. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee. 
2.2 EARLY LEARNING AND CARE – Provide access to a two-year Transitional Kindergarten program for students who meet the state-defined age eligibility which uses a modified curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and aligns the PK Learning Foundations and the Kindergarten Content Standards. Students enroll in a full year of Early/Transitional Kindergarten programming to strengthen school readiness skills and build upon a strong learning foundation for success in elementary, secondary, and beyond. Increase the percent of students demonstrating academic success in ELA and Math. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, Black African American Advisory Board.
2.3 MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION – Update English Language Development support structure to provide direct services to engage and train parents of English Learner students. Support school sites with establishing operational English Language Advisory Committees, enhancing district and site parent communication, interpreting and translating (oral and writing) communication using specific home languages, coordinating services to assist families in obtaining access to school programs and resources, recruiting parents for site and district programs (ELAC, DELAC, SSC, LCAP PAC, etc.), and meeting with parents of students that are in need of additional tier 2 and 3 support. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee, Student Advisory Council.
2.4 MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION – Professional learning to support English Language Development services. Increase the percent of English Learner students progressing in English Language Development. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
2.5 MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION – Expand awareness of the English Learner Master Plan, including planning and coordinating with colleagues to implement the actions established within the English Learner Master Plan. This will include collaboration with school sites to understand the implications of the new plan and provision of guidance and support to implement. Increase the percent of English Learner students progressing in English Language Development and improve the English Learner Reclassification Rate. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee, Student Advisory Council.
2.6 MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION – Providing tutoring specific to English Learner and migrant students and interventions for secondary newcomer students, including professional learning in the new state standards, designated and integrated ELD, Universal Design for Learning, administrative and site teams, and on-going coaching. Increase the percent of English Learner students progressing in English Language Development and improve the English Learner Reclassification Rate. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
2.7 SPECIAL EDUCATION – Provide school psychological services, including participation on Student Success Teams (SSTs). Increase the amount of time students receiving Special Education services are in a least restrictive environment. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): Community Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee, American Indian Education Program Parent Committee.
2.8 SPECIAL EDUCATION - Provide students with disabilities specific instructional aide supports as identified in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). The percent of students who receive Special Education services and are served in a Least Restricted Environment (LRE) is one of the intended impacted areas of this action. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): Community Advisory Committee.
2.9 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS – School Site Council-determined, SPSA-based actions to improve ELA and Math performance. Increase the percent of students making progress in ELA and Math. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, Black African American Advisory Board, Student Advisory Council.
2.10 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS – Use student data for secondary department chairs to provide interventions for secondary students. Increase the percent of students making progress in ELA and Math secondary coursework. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, Black African American Advisory Board.
2.11 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS – Provide one hour of time per week for teachers to collaborate with peers on approaches to improving student achievement. Increase the percent of students making progress in ELA and Math. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
2.12 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS – School Site Council-determined, SPSA-based actions to improve English Language Development performance and progress. Increase the percent of students making progress in English Language Development. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee.
2.13 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS – Provide research and evidence-based interventions at Title 1 schools for students who are low income and for students demonstrating high needs. Intervention is intended to accelerate progress towards grade-level readiness, particularly for those students who demonstrate gaps in grade-level proficiency. Increase the percent of students making progress in ELA and Math, and increase the percent of students progressing in English Language Development. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
2.14 HUMAN RESOURCES – Provide certificated and classified staffing at a level sufficient to provide the core curriculum to all students. This action also provide additionals staffing to high-needs sites where the percentage of students who are English Learner, Foster Youth, and/or Low Income comprise more than 55% of the student enrollment. Approximately $32.6 million in Supplemental and Concentration funds are used to maintain higher staffing levels for these schools to ensure lower class sizes and increase academic engagement and targeted intervention services. Provide Full credential teacher recruitment and retention is one of the intended impacted areas of this action.
2.15 HUMAN RESOURCES – Develop and implement pathways and pipelines for current employees and community members to acquire credentials and certifications (e.g. teaching credential). Increase SCUSD’s presence in the community and around the nation to recruit highly qualified individuals and retain valued employees. This action is particularly focused on recruitment and retention of teachers to improve outcomes for low-income students and students of color, as teacher attrition disproportionately impacts these schools. Full credential teacher recruitment and retention is one of the intended impacted areas of this action.
2.16 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION – Design and coordinate a comprehensive, multi-year Professional Learning Plan for classified, certificated and management staff anchored in the district’s commitment High Quality Instruction and focused on the District’s Academic Literacy & Numeracy Priorities: Foundational Reading Skills, Integrated ELD Across Disciplines and Mathematical Number Sense. Increase State Standards Survey Results and the percent of students making progress in ELA and Math. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
2.17 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION – Develop and implement a district-wide Multi-Tiered System of Supports. This action includes coordinating a District MTSS Design Team to collaboratively define tiers of instruction and intervention; establish common teaming structures and assurances; and develop a comprehensive assessment, intervention, and progress monitoring system. Provide professional learning for teachers, site-based teams, and site/department leaders on MTSS principles and practices, including universal tier one instructional best practices, data-based decision-making, tiered instruction, and progress monitoring and intervention strategies. TK-6 ELA Grades of 3 or Higher, TK-6 Math Grades of 3 or Higher, 7-12 ELA Grades of C or Higher, 7-12 Math Grades of C or Higher, i-Ready Reading Spring Scale Scores, i-Ready Math Spring Scale Scores, SBAC ELA Scores, SBAC Math Scores, California Science Test outcomes for students are intended areas of this action. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
2.18 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION – To assess the effectiveness of standards implementation, staff will: coordinate and support the administration of district-wide universal screeners and common assessments; engage in ongoing progress monitoring of academic performance and growth of students, particularly those from traditionally underserved communities; and collect and analyze data related to academic performance, student demographics, and program effectiveness to identify trends and areas for improvement, measure the impact of actions, and design professional learning. i-Ready Reading Spring Scale Scores, i-Ready Math Spring Scale Scores, and Reclassification Rate outcomes for students are intended areas of this action. English Language Arts, Math, and English Learner Progress Indicators Required Action. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.
2.19 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION – Eliminate barriers to equitable identification for, and student receipt of, advanced learner services Grade 2-12. Administer the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) to facilitate universal screening of all students for recommended access to advanced learner opportunities in Grades 2-6 and placement in advanced Middle School courses. Provide ongoing professional learning for elementary teachers providing GATE services in grades 2-6. The CoGAT pass rate for Age Percentile Rank for grade 1 and 3 students is one of the intended impacted areas of this action.
2.20 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION – Provide professional learning and coaching support to new teachers and new administrators. Continuously improve and align the SCUSD Teacher Induction Program to address district priorities and support new teachers (those pursuing preliminary credentials, including clear single-subject, multiple-subject, or teacher-specialist credentials, intern credentials, short-term permits, and credentials outside of teachers) as they develop their proficiency to deliver High Quality Instruction in alignment with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. Provide teachers and administrators new to SCUSD with a comprehensive orientation and support process aligned with district priorities. Establish and maintain alternative pathways for acquiring a teaching credential by way of teacher internship and residencies opportunities for grades TK-12. Increase retention of site and district administrators by providing them with professional learning and coaching opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills to fulfill their roles and responsibilities as instructional leaders, including individual and small group mentoring and networking, site visits, new administrator training, and just in time supports. Full credential teacher recruitment and retention is one of the intended impacted areas of this action.

CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION – Provide all students and staff sufficient instructional materials (print, manipulatives, and digital) for board-adopted curricula and library books for TK-12 aligned with District Academic Priorities: Culture & Climate, Literacy and Numeracy. Includes project-based learning opportunities utilizing school libraries. Includes newly adopted materials and replacement materials for lost/damaged items. The sufficiency of student textbooks is one of the intended impacted areas of this action.

2.22 LCAP OFFICE, EVALUATION, ASSESSMENT, AND DATA LITERACY SUPPORT – Provide data analysis and program evaluation support to guide continuous improvement planning and decision making. District leadership will use data to identify where schools are identifying low student achievement to focus the goals of school single plans for student achievement. Deepen data literacy across the district, including integrating the goals and actions within the LCAP and school SPSAs. The activities in this action are consistent with recommendations and feedback received from the following educational partner(s): LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, Black African American Advisory Board, District English Learner Advisory Committee.