Homeless Students Protected from ConCapping
All Grades

Principal Bulletin Action RequiredDeadline - November 30, 2024

Dear Principals,

I hope this message finds you well. I want to take a moment to remind everyone of the critical rights of students experiencing homelessness, particularly regarding their ability to remain at their school of origin, even in cases where the school is overenrolled.

Under California Education Code Section 48852.7, students experiencing homelessness have the right to stay at their school of origin for the duration of their homelessness. This right applies to ConCapping, ensuring that these vulnerable students are not displaced due to over enrollment.

The school of origin is defined as the school the student attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled. Maintaining stability in their education is paramount to supporting their academic and social well-being during such challenging times.

Please ensure that your teams are aware of this requirement and ensuring that a student is NOT homeless before ConCapping them. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to reach out.

A list of student’s experiencing homelessness was emailed to you though it is important to remember that these lists are updated daily by the Homeless Education Services Office, so there maybe additional students who qualify as homeless under McKinney Vento. Principals and Student Support Center staff may use the “Homeless” filter in EIIS to generate the most up-to-date list of students identified as unhoused.

Thank you for your continued dedication to all of our students.