Colonial Life Enrollments have been Extended !!
Colonial Life Virtual Workshops coming soon!


Colonial Life benefit policies are optional and are additional to all current benefits offered by the district.  

Below is a list of dates and times that we will hold Colonial Life Virtual Workshops.  These workshops are designed to educate you on the Colonial Life benefits policies.  There will be time for Q&A at the end of each presentation.  No RSVP needed, you simply join the scheduled workshop by clicking on the Zoom link on the designated date and time.

Virtual Workshop #1

Topic: Short term Disability and Whole Life

Date: Tuesday, January 28th

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 996 2783 5764

Virtual Workshop #2

Topic: Cancer Insurance and Critical Illness
Date: Thursday, January 30th

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 920 0761 3324

Virtual Workshop #3

Topic: Hospital Confinement, Accidental and Term Life

Date: Tuesday, February 4th

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 989 0734 1944

Virtual Workshop #4

Topic: Wellness Benefits and How to process claims

Date: Thursday, February 6th

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 994 9273 6147

If you did not have an opportunity to speak to a Colonial Life Counselor to hear about the one-time offers, then now is your time.  Don’t forget…  this period of enrollment is a guaranteed issue, without pre-existing conditions being considered  

Colonial Life offered coverages:

  1. Accident
  2. Cancer
  3. Critical Illness
  4. Hospital Indemnity (covers admission into the hospital/ICU and on a per day basis)
  5. Term Life
  6. Whole Life
  7. Short Term Disability

To take advantage of this extended enrollment period, you can click here to make an appointment with Colonial Life.  Don’t miss out on the benefits you deserve!  

Required Documentation to Add Dependents

If you are adding a dependent, you will be required to provide proof of eligibility i.e. marriage/domestic partner certificate, birth certificate and social security number for all dependents being added.

Add Dependents Outside of Open Enrollment Period

Dependents must be added within 30 days of a qualifying event, such as marriage, marital status change, birth, registered domestic partner, or loss of coverage along with required documentation.

Marital Status Change

If you become divorced or your spouse passes away, you must notify the Employee Health Benefits department within 30 days of the event. Members who fail to report changes to their health enrollment in a timely manner may be liable for premiums paid in excess of six months from the date the change was recorded. In addition, members may be liable for costs incurred as a result of services provided to an ineligible dependent.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

Enrollment is required every year during the Open Enrollment period and must be submitted before Open Enrollment closes.  This will ensure your FSA is effective January 1 of the new year.   The district is introducing Navia as our new administrator for Flexible Spending Accounts.  All enrollments must be selected by going through the Benefit Bridge portal.  You may enroll by clicking on the Benefit Bridge link.

  • Virtual Learning Session on Flexible Spending Accounts this Thursday, October 17 from 4:00–6:00pm
  • Navia will be present at the Benefits Fair on Friday, October 18 from 10:00am–4:00pm

All 2024 FSA’s will continue to be administered by Basic.  You have until March 31, 2025 to claim any medical or dependent reimbursements for the 2024 plan year.  

Letter of Medical Necessity

Online Eligibility List

2025 Navia FSA enrollment Kit

FSA Maximum contribution amounts for 2025

Health care = $3,300           

Dependent care = $5,000 per Family (Individual $2,500)


It is important to keep your beneficiaries updated with the district and your retirement agency CalSTRS or CalPERS. Beneficiary updates can be done during and outside of open enrollment.

Dual District Coverage

Dual coverage is not allowed if you are married and both employees of the district. You must enroll into the same plan together while one spouse will complete a Health Benefit Waiver form and will receive single health refund if classified or cash-in-lieu if certificated. Click to access Health Benefit Waiver.

Open Enrollment Documentation

Benefit Bridge Instructions


If you have any questions or would like further assistance, please feel free to contact us and schedule an appointment with your benefit technician.

Employee Benefits Office Location and Office Hours

5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95824
8:30am – 4:00pm Monday – Friday
Phone: 916-643-9432
Fax: 916-399-2071