Latest News Archive (2023-2024)

e-Connections Post

Black Parent Involvement Day is February 20!

This year’s Black Parent Involvement Day is Tuesday, February 20!

Black Parent Involvement Day is an opportunity to visit your student’s school, meet their teachers and send a strong message to your student that you want them to succeed academically. Black Parallel School Board is hosting a virtual parent training for this event on Thursday, February 15 at 6pm. 

Register for the training session here

e-Connections Post
image of textbooks for review

Community Input for Secondary World Languages Instructional Materials

Sacramento City Unified is in the process of adopting new instructional materials for secondary World Languages starting with the 2024-25 academic year. Teachers, students, parents/guardians and community members have the opportunity to review and provide input about the instructional materials being considered for adoption, and we welcome your feedback.

e-Connections Post

SCUSD’s Black/African American Advisory Board needs your help!

Dear Sac City Unified families,

You can help Black and African American students reach their full potential by joining the Black/African American Advisory Board for SCUSD. Our Board is composed of community members like you who want to make change and improve outcomes for Black and African American youth. The Black/African American Advisory Board meets frequently to discuss and address challenges facing marginalized students in our school system and make recommendations to SCUSD’s Board of Education and staff. 

e-Connections Post

SCUSD Board of Education Recap
November 16, 2023

At the November 16 meeting of the Sacramento City Unified School District Board, the Board took action to approve the appointment of Timothy Rocco as the District’s Chief Information Officer.

The Board recognized Buck Vang, a student in 6th grade at Elder Creek Elementary School, and Naledi Kalaote-Hurt, a 5th grade student at Elder Creek Elementary School, as Stellar Students. Both students are recognized for being dedicated and active learners.

Elder Creek Elementary School Students Buck Vang and Naledi Kalaote-Hurt are recognized by the SCUSD Board as Stellar Students

e-Connections Post

Joint Statement from SCUSD and SEIU Regarding Compensation

The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1021 have reached an agreement to close out contract reopener negotiations for the previous 2022-2023 school year. 

This historic agreement demonstrates the significant value that SCUSD places on retaining and recruiting the finest classified staff to support our students, teachers and facilities. It also ensures that SEIU unit members will be elevated to a salary that is more reflective of their immense value to the District.

e-Connections Post

SCUSD Board of Education Recap
November 2, 2023

At the November 2 meeting of the Sacramento City Unified School District Board, the Board approved the appointments of Holly Buckley as Principal of Arthur A. Benjamin Health Professions High School, and Dr. Edward Eldridge as Executive Director of SCUSD’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The Board also approved Board Member appointees to serve on the District’s Community Schools Advisory Committee.

e-Connections Post

Food Scrap Recycling at SCUSD

Sac City Unified is expanding our Food Scrap Recycling program district-wide this year. We are partnering with Breathe California to help support our schools as they build food waste recycling best practices into their meal times. Below are photos of their visits to Golden Empire Elementary, Woodbine Elementary and Suy:u Elementary. Students are learning how to sort their trash in the cafeteria at lunchtime to help reduce waste in our schools, reduce greenhouse gases for the planet and build sustainable habits.

e-Connections Post

Public Notice: Grant Applications

Sacramento City Unified School District is applying for 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) and 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Elementary and Middle/Junior High Students Cohort 15 Fiscal Year 2024-25 grant.  21st Century Community Learning Centers Program provides funding for five years to establish or expand before, after school and summer programs that provide kindergarten through twelfth-grade students with academic enrichment opportunities and support services to help the stu

e-Connections Post

Message from SCUSD Office of Safe Schools

We are reaching out to you regarding a serious concern. In many neighborhoods surrounding our schools, students congregate in nearby apartment complexes, private businesses and parks. The prevalence of violence, fights, drug use, and other incidents involves not only students, but also non-students and sometimes adults.

Our District has dispatched security personnel, and school site administrators to help address these issues. Despite our best efforts, the number of individuals involved has continued to grow and violence persists in these locations. 

e-Connections Post

October 19, 2023 Board of Education Meeting is Canceled

Dear Sac City Unified Community,

We are writing to inform you that tonight’s regularly scheduled SCUSD Board of Education meeting has been canceled due to lack of a quorum.

We apologize for the short notice and are making this announcement as early as possible to minimize the inconvenience this may cause to our district families and staff.

The next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting is November 2, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m.

e-Connections Post

Free TB screening clinics every Thursday from 3-5pm at Serna Center

Sac City Unified will now be offering free tuberculosis (TB) assessments for staff, new hires and volunteers every Thursday from 3-5pm (unless offices are closed due to a holiday or holiday break). 

Walk-ins are welcome, and no appointment is required. The free screening clinics are held at Serna Center at 5735 47th Ave. Contact Student Support and Health Services at (916) 643-9412 with any questions.