New Escape Process, HRA, Replacing Position Requisition Form


A collaborative interdepartmental team of SCUSD Staff have worked hard to improve and streamline our District’s process to create and change positions. The new ESCAPE online process using the automated Human Resources Authorization (HRA) “position new” and “position change” will be replacing the paper Position Requisition (BUD-F001).

We’re excited that we are moving forward and improving district processes. A special thank you to our participating pilot sites: Oak Ridge, Pacific, Rosa Parks, Albert Einstein, California Middle, C.K. McClatchy, Career and Technical Prep, Child Development, and Youth Development.

Important dates:

  • May 1st: District wide access to HRA through ESCAPE
  • May 5th-9th: HRA training
  • July 1st: Electronic HRA fully implemented, paper form no longer accepted


Effective May 1st, all school sites and departments have the access to submit HRAs through ESCAPE. Trainings will be held at the District office in Training Room B, May 5th through May 9th. All district staff that currently initiates or approves Position Requisitions are able to sign up for our morning or afternoon trainings. Effective July 1st, the District will no longer accept the paper Position Requisition forms. All transactions of this kind must be made through ESCAPE. It is highly recommended for a site/department representative to attend.

During the trainings we will walk through the process for submitting and approving a HRA in Escape. Trainees will have the chance to log in to Escape and practice submitting a HRA. We will be roaming the room to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

Training Schedule (15 max per session)

Trainings will be scheduled in order of request received. Please sign up online on Sign up Genius

May 5th -9th

  • 9:00AM-11:00AM
  • 1:00PM-3:00PM
  • 3:00PM-5:00PM