SCUSD Board of Education Recap
January 16, 2025
At the January 16 meeting of the Sacramento City Unified School District Board, the Board recognized 13 members of the Miwok Middle School Girls Cross Country team for winning the 2024 Middle School National Championships held in Louisville, KY. The national meet attracts top-level middle school teams from throughout the United States, including many state champions. Congratulations to all the runners for a fantastic performance: Rebecca Dickson, Harper Farris, Maya Hiroshima-Chan, Kaleigh Kato, Lucy Mendoza, Eleanora (Ellie) Olmstead, Violet Panton, Rachel Rembleski, Reese Springhorn, Holly Thorall, Lily Warren, Sage Witzgall, and Grace Zylstra.
The Board took action to certify the results of the November 5 election for Measure D, a general obligation bond measure to authorize $543-million dollars to make critical renovations and improve schools and classrooms throughout the Sacramento City Unified School District. The Board thanked the voters for their overwhelming support of Sacramento City schools and students.
After receiving a presentation, the Board took action to approve an updated plan for the remainder of the Educator Effectiveness Block Grant implementation. In 2021, SCUSD’s proposal for the use of Educator Effectiveness Block Grant (EEBG) funds was initially approved. The plan for the $8.9-million dollars includes a focus on recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers and administration through a collaboration between the Academic Office and the Human Resources Department.
The Board received an informational update on the District’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports from Academic Office staff and Sacramento City Teachers Association President, Nikki Milevsky. In February of 2024, the Board approved an MOU that included the installation of an MTSS Design Team composed of teachers, site leaders, central office staff, and SCTA leadership to create a forum for open dialogue and strategic planning around establishing a district-wide multi-tiered system of supports to be implemented at all school sites. This group began meeting last spring and continues to collaborate to build the framework.
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For more information about the SCUSD Board of Education, including the schedule for future Board meetings and to submit a public comment at future meetings, please visit
The next SCUSD Board meeting will be held on February 6, 2025. The open session of the meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Serna Center, 5735 47th Avenue, in the Community Room. The meeting can also be viewed online on SCUSD’s YouTube channel: