LCAP Meeting
Serna Center South Carolina Room
1. LCAP Office Updates (LCAP Office): 6:00-6:10
2. LCAP Implementation Monitoring
2.a The Role of Business Services and Budget and Relation to the LCAP (Business Services): 6:10-6:35
2.b Goal 1: 2024-25 Gr 9-12 On-Track Status Graduation / A-G Based on S1 and Related Strategies (College and Career Readiness): 6:35-6:50
2.c Goal 2: Introduction to Literacy Professional Learning for EL Students (Multilingual Education): 6:50-7:40
2.d PAC Debrief of Implementation Monitoring Items (LCAP Office): 7:40-7:50
3. Public Comment: 7:50-8:00