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e-Connections Post

SCUSD Board of Education Recap
March 6, 2025

At the March 6 meeting of the Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education, the Board recognized Parkway Elementary students Juan Serrato, Kage Moua, Alexandros Ridgeway, Khaylia Myers, Sophia Casapao, JayLee Mallory, Mozamil Oriyakhail, Pakue Vang, and Avery Fuentes as Stellar Students. Parkway Principal Sharifa Siti-Bolton and teachers nominated the nine students for their academic success, kindness, leadership, empathy, respect, and hard work.

e-Connections Post

Community Input for AP African American Studies Materials

Sacramento City Unified is in the process of adopting instructional materials for use in AP (Advanced Placement) African American Studies* starting in the 2025-26 academic year. Teachers, students, parents/guardians and community members have the opportunity to review and provide input about the instructional materials being considered for adoption, and we want your feedback.

Press release

SCUSD Announces Additional “Know Your Rights” Presentations
Information from attorneys for immigrant families regarding interactions with ICE

Sacramento, CA - Sacramento City Unified School District’s Board of Education has scheduled a series of “Know Your Rights” presentations to inform community members of their rights during a possible encounter with immigration enforcement, and share more information about SCUSD’s Safe Haven District policies.
